In preparation for the 5/5 portal
I meditated and this is what came out.
Centuries of pain and ascension that was blocked out. Millions of years of hatred that had to come out.
My body, a vessel, my womb; the transmitter of the feminine energy. In her I carry wemen’s wounding. She is hurting. She is hurt. She has been doing this for so long, it has been hard for her to come out of her shell. She has been judged, neglected, hated, burned at the stake. No wonder she has kept her composure. So much tension in her womb.
Carrying the wounding of our past generation is not something to take lightly. I carry my body with the responsibility it means to be a bringer of the change- one of the chosen ones to do the inner healing for myself, but most importantly, for Humanity.
For as I heal, you heal.
Where I move, you move.
There is no distinction between the me and you.
I am doing this work for the evolution.
The evolution of a species that once lost its role.
No longer considered as the intelligent species, because it lost its connection to God. When that connection with Source is severed, pain and hatred keep happening. They keep recurring in a never-ending pattern, until somebody puts their hand up for resolution.
It is time to take this back. It is time for the human being to check-in with its evolution. Time to take back time.
I am here for the plenty, here for the many. The many who choose, to consciously create the new paradigm of this New Earth.
N I N E V A H.
She is here to be led. In her connection with the inner power she redeems herself.
She has never done this before. Always fell back on a man, she felt supported and neglected her part. She shirked her responsibility, you see?
No longer part of this entity, she is rising with sovereign choice. Ascending from the ashes, letting the disgusting energy she has felt in her womb be vanquished. Only to be replenished with fresh new life force.
This will not take the form of another being- an innocent being, who came to this world as a child; as a sacrifice for human blood.
Long past are the days when sacrifices were hidden. Everything must come to the light.
She no longer sustains this way of living. She has given her power away way too long.
Divine Sisters it is time for the Divine being to shine its light bright. Letting go of the human entity so there is no attachment to a man; a soul partner, a provider, a father. Neither is the attachment to a human god. The sisterhood wound vanishing, the empowerment of the feminine body returning to its source.
If you have read this far, bless thee.
You are in the deep path of transformation.
Your mission is much needed, as much as mine.
In our transmission and transmutation of inner work and love, together, we can help humanity rise.
Are you ready for the Grand Awakening?
Much love,