There is a band of angelic entities who are supporting Humanity in its awakening.
There is a band of people on Earth who are leading this realm. They are pushing and leading in their own wisest way, pulling away from aggression, expanding further and never cowering nor turning their face away from their own tribulations and tests.
This is the band of the courageous. Those who have chosen to commit themselves to God. No matter what.
They are the pushers and the shovers. The ones who came here first.
They are the ones who were chosen to lead this New Earth.
In this game the rules are changing and most of Humanity is struggling with the change. Those humans are keeping others astray; in lower vibrations so as to evade the change.
But the change is inevitable, oh wise ones! And it is here to stay.
The Christ Consciousness that never left this field; Buddhism, Sufism, the Bahai way. All one in Oneness; in the spectrum of Source.
This is the never-ending story for Humanity but this time it is meant to stay because the awakened ones are here as changers and bringers of the new way.
In this new way Humanity won’t perish, it won’t be driven astray.
This band of wise individuals are doing the pushing for all the rest. They are strong and courageous and are facing their own deepest tests.
In trusting these individuals, we will evolve and move faster, faster than when following the rest of Humanity’s way.
The test for you, oh solid human is to embrace the change and those bringers of this new way. Are you ready to surrender so you too can know what individuals are trustworthy of this identity of oneness with God; those paving the New Earth?
Surrender to the whisper of your voice. She is the wisest demoiselle that will lead you to the Angelic Womb. In it, you can surrender and listen to the Warrior’s Call. Your brothers and sisters who are paving the way are leading the path. A new revolution that entails the awakening of the heart. No longer in slumber, the heart is waking up. Humanity must first perish in its current identity and form.
Listen to these angelic beings- the wise warriors, the fighters, the lovers. They are the new generation; the ones who came here to pave the new way. The New Earth is reawakening and these brothers and sisters need your whole support.
Stop following your old identity and join in the cause.
We awaken you.
We forsake you not.
Stay true to the Dream.
Sleep not.
Keepers of the Warrior’s Way, awaken this in he/she who reads. Let it be the new way that humbles humans into the calling of God Source.
To the band of warrior-kings, warrioress-empresses, keep at it!
Much love,