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About Live In Peace (L.I.P)
Amanda Valverde
The Concept behind Live In Peace (L.I.P) is to help people stay grounded in the present moment & live life fully as Existence, tuned into the Divine. This is how we Live In Peace.
Presence is all that is needed. Our inner work enhances our awareness in the present moment. Without this, we cannot fully embody Love.
If you are looking to truly go within and transform your relationships from a dysfunctional ego survival mode to a healthier, more harmonious Divine connection with Source, I'd love to work together with you in this journey of self-development & inner transformation.
In our sessions we aim to let go of your fears & blockages so you can start living your Life from the heart and you can truly enjoy your romantic relationship and your journey of motherhood.
If you would like to work with me, get in touch or book into one of my Programs, Courses or Sessions
.Spiritual Coaching For Mums, For Men & For Couples
.Conscious Parenting
.Intuitive Readings
.Guided Meditations
Sessions use a combination of the following techniques
Quantum & Reiki Healing
Mindfulness & Meditation
Law of Attraction & Visualization
Intuitive Readings
Chakra Balancing & Energy Realignment
Conscious Parenting & Positive Reinforcement
Spiritual Counselling & Coaching
to help you get to your optimal state of energy alignment & conscious awareness.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or you would like to book in!
You can connect with me via
email liveinpeace.au@gmail.com
Facebook Live In Peace Australia
Instagram liveinpeaceaustralia
Youtube- liveinpeaceaustralia
From R.I.P to L.I.P