There’s an unspoken language that is stronger than words.
It is called INTIMACY, connection, bonding and love.
It can be the love shown from a daughter to a parent or from a mother to a son. It can also be the hidden language between lovers.
The point is, energy is everything.
When we tap into this hidden power of love, miracles can occur.
Until then, we wake up and live from the slumber of our egos.
When we do that, we feel empty, we feel the void.
In fighting for something we wish was never gone, we take ourselves further away from this so called connection, intimacy and love.
This is because love is intrinsically yours- it must come from your own core.
Whenever we expect something from someone- whether that is our lover, our daughter or our son, we will always, always be disappointed, because see, it was never meant to come from them but from within.
Love has to be felt. It cannot be fabricated, it must be earned.
It is an inner job- the daily task of tuning within and connecting with that deeper core, so that we, as an individual, can express that connection with Source.
Some do it through poetry, music, dance or through their jobs.
As long as this expression is coming straight from your core, no expectations attached more than that longing to express the love that resides inside, then the world is your oyster my dear reader. This world is yours.
When we devote ourselves to what we have been given- that inner unconditional love that comes from Source, we can pursue the magical purpose we are here for.
Some create music, others write poems, cook, bake or write songs.
Whatever you choose, choose wisely, for it has to come from your deeper core.
No matter how much you fake it, your foundations will break it if this is not true, pure, unconditional love.
Believe me, brother, I have been there, done that. I have also watched others I loved choose their egos based on fear and not on love. The story is not pleasant and no matter how hard you try to get them to show you their love, this will only be forcing them to fake it, until the foundations crumble down and break it all.
What a beautiful creation it could have been had we all chosen to love and live.
But when fear interferes and it puts a price on love, the creation that blinds the exertion of pressure onto the other is too hard for the soul to bear.
Eventually the soul can’t fake it and it will have to pay the price for the ego’s sole making.
The individuality that the ego tries to achieve, claiming oneself to be special, gets disintegrated by the power of Source.
We are truly living in an interesting time. We are no longer mere riders of the horse. We are the horse itself.
When we combine our forces, we get to enjoy this pleasure we call love, for it does not come from an external person or element but purely from within- from Source.
The trick is establishing and maintaining that connection as our daily nourishing flow.
Much love to you all in this beautiful journey,