Sometimes the masculine has to push.
Gently, I mean.
Caressing her.
Otherwise the female stays stuck in her cocoon. She won’t open up.
Years of hurt and betrayal by what she thinks is a masculine man.
A masculine man is beautiful. He caresses her, he tends her life for her.
She is his precious gift.
But she doesn’t know that yet, see. Because she resides in her ego still.
So, she waits and parades, talking about revolution. Betrayal in the air.
In the end she ends up betraying herself-the feminine that is.
She betrayed him as well. But that’s a long story that belongs in the past.
Adam & Eve. You get it.
Let’s go back to the point where he caresses her.
His fingers are thick yet slim, the perfect measure. He can penetrate her skin with a simple look on his eyes. It is the power of the masculine man.
Sometimes I believe this whole betrayal story and then I stop myself to contemplate my inner man.
He is wonderful, he is intact.
There is a power to him that comes from God.
It resides in everyone’s essence.
For the masculine is beautiful, he is powerful and meek. When in his power he can move mountains, rescue her from her cocoon. The cocoon of life she has weaved herself thinking he will betray her again when in fact it is her betraying herself, repeating the old routine.
She has never been good at listening, especially at her God within.
The love, the power, the connection. That’s what a real woman is searching for. The kisses, the hugs, the caresses.
Sometimes the masculine needs to penetrate this. The layers of conditioned behaviour and thoughts that have been piled up in her psyche. And when he does this, she is free. Violated no more, she decides she has had enough and jumps out of her comfort zone to embrace him. She is safe because he is powerful, she no longer needs to betray or belittle him.
The masculine.
Oh, the Divine Masculine. In his power he is grand, he can move mountains, he can be wild.
It is in his wildness that he connects with her Divine essence-the Wild Woman, the Creator Goddess. A warrior in all her might.
Let them both embrace- your Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine. He has a lot to say. You better open up to listen and receive from him.
It is only in this pure essence of unconditional love, when the feminine learns that it is safe to receive, that she empowers him and makes him grander.
It is only then, in this pure unconditional essence, in which God is the centre of the deal, that he-she become one with Oneness, united in pure love.
I adore thee- my Masculine. In your Divine essence you can save this world for you saved Me. You allowed me to dive deep into my human essence, embracing my masculinity as a wild woman in need. No longer seeking or searching outside of me, for I know you reside in Me.
I bow to Thee.