A shift has happened within me. If anything these months of extreme indecision, mental and energetic exhaustion have taught me is to trust my intuition and to trust the Divine. but most importantly, I have understood that I am changing and morphing to be that Who I Am.
I was constantly aggressive, relentlessly looking for the next thing to be, knowing that there was more in me than what I could reach.
This point has been met now. I am content where I am. After the searching and prodding, the deleting and letting go, I have realized that I am ok where I am.
I am making the ordinary extraordinary.
It is such a sweet decision that comes from my heart. I need do nothing. Need not survive. My attention is not placed in the outer world but instead in my interior self. This means I can truly enjoy where I am no matter what. Whether I am with that person that does not cheer me up, with the person next door or watching my favourite show, I can be who I am no matter what. This brings a sense of liberation, of ultimate conception.
I have never experienced this dream before. I can truly see, truly dream, truly wish, because there is no me in the perception of my mind. I create plans that involve others because I work for the communion of the whole.
Do I falter? Of course I don’t!
Just kidding! Of course I do. I am not perfect and I know this. This makes me imperfect, which in essence is a true liberation of one’s own mind.
When not attached to an outcome one can flow with the whole.
It is a new sentiment that I am tapping into as I tap more and more into the whole. I know what this is. It is the recognition that I am God in its whole.
I am embracing the new beginnings, letting go of the mind’s chatter and allowing myself to see the world with brand new eyes, making the ordinary extraordinary.
Looking at my son, watching him grow, I am more enthralled by it all because I am presently enjoying, in a state of constant ebb and flow with the unknown. I embrace the beginnings, say goodbye to the ends, let what is be and see things from God’s mind.
Can you see the beauty in the sunset? Can you realize that nothing really matters whilst simultaneously everything does?
I have realized we are but mere reflections so I no longer take your not caring as my own. I care about you and I won’t change my perception only because I feel your projection of your inner disconnection with Source. I have understood and truly embodied the fact that this is you and this is me.
I am now and here and now. I embrace playing with my son, without the distraction of wanting to be on my phone. I let go of the mind’s desires and acknowledge what is needed in the here and now.
Come with me in a journey of unveiling the mind’s blockages and getting to be whole.
With love,