It is a very uncomfortable feeling that of seeing your man’s balls shrink in the presence of another female energy- whether his daughter, mother, employer or old time lover.
A woman’s energy is selfish. She needs to know who is King so only to him she can abide.
If there is no sonnet, there is no song.
An Alpha male has the power to incite the feminine energy.
He is cocky, powerful, brilliant and wonderful because his light shines from within.
There is such a confidence that radiates from him, that the opposite sex is attracted to him.
But, in essence, do you know what is more attractive?
Smelling his pheromones. His testosterone is over the roof, only because he has mastered his own lonely wolf.
He is solitary, yet he knows how to work hard, and that means being a part of his clan.
He is sure about his purpose, secure about his root and he has no fear, shame, guilt or blame in doing what he likes to do.
He is guided by his inner instinct, see?
There is no woman who will manipulate him because he knows where he stands.
He needs time for that- to figure himself out. To be alone and with his own thoughts- so he can declutter and filter through his own darkness.
Without this level of intuition, of Godly-commission, there is no commitment to Source and hence, no escape from the ego door.
We all have to go through it- females and males.
We have to choose whether we abide by our own master or by the Bigger Plan, and figuring that out takes patience, space and time.
You cannot rush these things because everyone is different. So, you have to be able to allow yourself the respect your system needs in order to recalibrate and learn how to listen to your inner guidance.
The hard part is not to let yourself be convinced by the outer world.
See, what happens is that we are chasing our own tails.
We create a thought that comes with an emotion, this is repeated over and over again, generation after generation, until it becomes engrained in us. This, in turn, creates our manifestations in the outer world.
So, the more we focus on it, the more we create the same thoughts, which lead to the same emotions, which in turn create yet again the same manifested world.
To change this, we ought to look inside and listen to our own inner guide. When we are able to shut down our thoughts, not to stop them but to acknowledge them, we can give them the space they need to vent and be released. When they are released, they leave space for a new beginning. The story can change because it has been given space to be heard and evolve.
The more we repress this, the more we feel shame and the more the story will never cease to end.
We are living in exciting times, we can help Humanity change its current path. In this progression, we can get closer to the Heart- the heart of One Mind, the heart of God.
Call it Universe, Gaia or Source- whatever it is that inner intuition that guides us all. We are a part of a Bigger Plan.
So, ladies, let your man be a man and men, hold your life by the reigns. It is time the masculine takes control of himself so he can show the mother, the lover, the eternal woman, who she is in God.
She can no longer be protected because she has run away from God and that is what the masculine is telling her with an aggressive tone.
Until she stops pointing the finger at him and starts allowing him to show his real skin, he will not be able to surrender, nor will she.
Exciting times, nonetheless, the work needs to be done. Healing, curing, relearning and purifying, so we can get to a state of peace and love and that always is an inner job.
Much courage to you all.
May your path lead you to find your other half, first within and then without.
Your relationships will always be a projection of what is going on inside.
If you are feeling in turmoil, your partner will show you that. If there is anger repressed, humour that needs to re-emerge, an empowered soul that needs to surrender to herself, then NOW is the time.
Ladies, let your feminine relax so that the masculine in your partner can come out.
Men, it is time to empower that lazy butt, so that your pheromones, your testosterone and that juicy male power can roar and come out. It is time the ladies can taste that confident man.
And in saying this, the alpha man knows he is devoted to his one.
One only woman suffices for him to feel alive. In devoting himself to her, he knows he is devoting his life to Source and that pleases a human more than any drug.
Brilliance, companionship and the ecstasy of being together.
Because two make One and one and one is two.
The combination of a powerful union in God that can only be experienced when surrendering to this Inner Source.
For more knowledge and info to come, keep updated and tuned in!
I would love to share with you these beautiful insights into which we can all tap. You just have to let yourself surrender and let the magic flow.
It is in you as much as in me.
Love to you all,