I am a woman like no other. I am brave, I am wise, I am intelligent, I am kind.
I am HER.
She is Me.
I let her embody me.
I am but a pure vessel, a channel, a lover of God.
It is when we reign in unison that we can let her respond.
Only when we are in conjunction with God Source that we can see her essence.
No gossip, no cat-like response. She is brilliant, aggressive, intuitive and calm but she is also wise in the way she chooses how to act because she knows she is Divine.
There is nothing wrong with this vision, nothing to be scared of about this word.
God was sent as a Universal Life Force and allowing It to flow through us determines our real Love.
This Woman is embellished with His power and love.
She is magical, intuitive, she senses when something is wrong. She is so kind she will let you cry in calmness. But her tears will wipe your eyes down.
Her empathy comes from her knowledge, the experience of Mankind.
Even though it may not seem it, she has gone through the pain of Man.
She has sat with it and experienced it but not let it break her down.
She is a WARRIOR. A God-sent fighter. And she fights with might to protect what is in God’s kingdom. This includes her children and the children of God’s Love.
Pure in her essence, untamable at her core, she knows where her heart belongs.
She will give herself to a man. A strong man who can handle her might. But in essence she knows both hearts are united in love through God.
It is in Him that they both abide. It is the only way this human nature can be tamed.
It will only work this way.
Do not be afraid by the word commitment, my fellow SISTER. It is but a trick to the mind.
Committing to God means allowing Life Force to flow and this is the greatest gift, the biggest treasure we can unleash in both our minds and hearts.
Are you ready for this adventure? Are you in it for the praise of God?
If so, don’t be scared about the terminology, simply surrender yourself to Source.
Your man will come, he too will surrender. In a beautiful dance of friends, lovers and menders. Menders of the heart, of the mind, of the soul, of the Divine.
Beautiful in their existence and filled with love and might.
They will fight eagerly to surrender so with their example they can transmit love.
I am waiting for him.
In Love.