“You are on top of the world.”
“Oh, but I don’t want to be on top of the world”, she said. “I want to be in it.”
Only those who are able to truly win it- the lightworkers who come from the heart, can resonate to this message and the ones that are to come. There is a distinct differentiation right now between those saying they aren’t coming from their ego and those who actually aren’t. Those who say they want to save the world, normally do so by putting themselves in positions of power and control, so that instead of serving, they serve themselves.
They do not wish for the betterment of humanity- not in their hearts, anyway, but with their minds. This leaves them wishing and wanting only to not understand.
When you serve, you serve. Look at Jesus, or Krishna, you simply serve. You come from your heart and want what’s best for the rest.
Those who wish to be serving but keep themselves away are not doing a favour to others or to themselves.
With this big distinction that is happening today in our world, beware of who you are friends with and who you unveil your plan to. Many are not ready to hear it and they will only try to bring you down. Lies and deception to try and keep you away so that they stay in that position, in which they think they are on top of the world.
If you are truly here to save us, then sacrifice all you think is worth and only then and from that space, serve us, those who need to be awake.
For those lightworkers in the darkness, keep your business at bay, we know who you are.
For those true warriors of the light, keep holding your swords of light high, so that your vision becomes the beam that pulls us out of the dark.
We hold you with great esteem.
In peace and love
Amanda Valverde