If your key is to lead a successful life as mother, I have got your back.
I too wanted to succeed in being the best version of me so I could truly help my son.
I wanted (and want) him to grow rich in experiences and love.
If you too would like some tips on Conscious Parenting, this is for you.
Subscribe to the website www.liveinpeace.com.au and receive your free Conscious Mum Manifest.
Information on how to raise your kids consciously, so they too get to know and embrace themselves, whilst you enjoy the journey of motherhood.
Parenting can be fun if you allow yourself for it to be.
In this Manifesto you will find information on Conscious Parenting. The basic foundations to consciously parent your kids. It will all come down to your own daily practice.
You can book in individual/couple coaching sessions with me or enroll in one of my Coaching Programs for Mums/Couples. 75-90mins sessions or a 2 month Program which will help you get on track with your family life, by putting yourself and your self-care first!
If this seems like a good deal, then get in touch!
Subscribe to www.liveinpeace.com.au and receive your free Conscious Mum Manifest.