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Next Destination Love

Writer's picture: Amanda ValverdeAmanda Valverde

There is a bit of me everywhere.

Maybe that’s what it is- once we love someone, when this love is real, pure and strong, it never fades away. It is always there. It remains for eternity as a blueprint of another’s soul.

But isn’t that what we are all looking for in the end? To be loved, cherished and remembered, to make a difference in this world and feel somewhat special?

Maybe it’s just me or the way I see, feel and sense thigs. Maybe it’s because I was extremely lucky to have two wonderful parents in my path who loved me to death, protected me, supported me and gave me all I ever wanted and needed and more. Maybe they excelled in their love and I am actually suffering the rare consequences of it.

But then, I think to myself, maybe it’s because this is the right way, the way it’s supposed to be, the way everyone should be treated and felt in life. To feel an unconditional affection that comes purely from the heart, with no expectations or brutal demands but to feel honest, simple unconditional love.

Maybe this is what everyone in this Earth should experience- tall, long, short, small, black, dark, yellow, tanned. It is a wonderful feeling, a magical sensation- that of feeling welcome, wanted, belonging, embraced.

We should all be looking for this. And do you know what my friend? For it to happen we have to believe in it, receive it and stop faking. Allow love to grow within ourselves so we can express it out loud. So loud that eventually everyone can hear it, so everyone is forced to stop and stare at us thinking jeez, what’s going on with her? What does she have that I don’t shine?

The answer to this is simple. It is called love.

And it is not something that we have or own but more something that we are.

It is inside us. We just have to allow it to happen, embrace it and let it be. Make it shine so ever brightly.

Cause angels we are all, it’s just that some decided to choose to disguise as a devil for a while.

I’ve met some in my path. But in the end, with a little bit of help from here and there, most tend to awaken and once this path is chosen we never want to go back.

There is no point in trying to put down others for own personal gain and satisfactory pleasure. And when you think about it, has anyone ever got anything good out of it? I bet you I know the answer to that.

Love is a state of consciousness, awareness & compassion.

A wonderful feeling that vibrates within and emanates without like a waterfall of pure bliss.

It’s all good, we all make mistakes. Just remember that no matter how far on the track you are, you can always turn back. Back to the good track, the smooth path, the one that opens up to healthy relationships, smart decisions. Turn right at the next intersection towards the path of light.

Next destination Love.

Respect, my friend, love from the heart, chant from your core, pump blood and feel your heart organ beating strong and steady.

Just let it happen- the vibration of unconditional love. Don’t stress, it will come! Smile at the confusions and the coincidences of life- you'll get used to it and then you'll consciously never want to go back. Back to a reality in which you were guarding your heart.

You'll start seeking, or rather finding like-minded souls, interacting with wonderful people. Working together to make this world a better place.

You happy is me happy and hence we happy, or all happy.
I am happy. Follow my sign.

And if you're scared or fearful or even slightly worried, please be sure there are so many of us out there ready to reach our hands out and open our arms in a wide embrace to hug you, kiss you, smile at you no matter how weird it might look or sound or feel to you.

No, we don’t want anything in return, ‘cause you know what? We are just expressing our purest path, being our purest essence and this is the breathing in and out of unconditional love.

Don’t attach to the physical- male or female, our hugs are pure, our kisses warm and affectionate, our smiles conscious.

Feel, breathe, manufacture love. This is the new factory of pure joy.

Just continue to feel the life that flows in you and that you create with your thoughts.

Welcome to the new reality, to the Now Age in which we are all connected by the energy field of love vibrating through every single one of our particles.

And how is this done?

Remembering that everything is energy- including time and thoughts.

Remember my folk, L.I.P.

Amanda Valverde


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