Masculine, DO NOT FRET.
Do you know those people pleasers who seem to be kind and nice?
When the truth comes out, their real colours will show and stand out.
If someone keeps telling you that you owe them money for something they gave you in the past, or they betray you by not keeping your personal matters between you and I, truth will reveal their choices in life.
Karma will be one that leads our paths.
The more we stay true to Who We Are, the less we will have to worry about what is going on around us, because with our intent in check, what the other person is projecting onto us will be theirs to bear.
I have seen it. Countless times.
I got this message years ago, before I put myself into a challenging situation, in which I lead myself into enduring strain and pain because I did not know otherwise.
I did not know there was a different path, and in fact, even when I knew, I was so scared, so stuck, so paralyzed by fear (and love) and by the doubt of my own internal judge, that I thought what the other person was telling me was for our own best sake.
It turned out to be he was manipulative. He was operating from his toxicity and not from his God-sent path.
I checked and double checked my intent, and after years, once I was sure there was nothing wrong- I had nothing to hide, I had been rough but also misguided, I kept on my path, following God.
There were still moments in which I wished he were dead. Wished I was wrong, wished to show the world his badness and my wrong choices.
I guess, at the end of the day, we are all still human.
An eye for an eye.
But the ball is stopped once abuse is faced. When the masculine & feminine toxicity is put to an end, peace can reign.
It is not easy. Uncomfortable and hard do not even get close enough to describing the pain it can cause, but at the end of the day, our God-sent path is worth it.
It is worth standing up to the bully, facing the abuser, putting the projection somebody else is using as coercion so they have to look at it themselves.
When you show the mirror to the other end, the glass can shatter but you won’t get hurt.
If your intent is in check and your motivation is pure, there is nothing to be afraid of because the truth will shine and karma will work the path.
There is no need for you to play the game of projections or get entangled in the other person’s wrath.
Simply stand still like a tall tree or a grounded rock and allow each saviour to face their fate.
We all have to become our own saviours and we need others to put a mirror in front of us so that we can face our dark side.
Once we purify our imperfections, we can act with more compassion and love.
I bear witness that this journey is not easy, but nor was the path of the Biblical Prophets. The journey into self-love takes awareness, compassion, endurance and so much more. It takes a person to stand still, look themselves in the mirror and continuously watch their inner thinking. It takes for that person to act following what is right- not right based on their own egotistical intent but right as in what’s best for the group. It takes courage and perseverance and standing our ground.
It takes a master to have practiced what others can see as results.
The journey into wholeness and self-forgiveness is an internal path. Results may be seen, but only the insider is privy to all the steps the journey takes.
Masculine, the feminine needs you now.
It needs a loving, caring energy who can stand by her side. She too has been hurt, she has become aggressive and manipulative in her own ways and her ego is wrapped up in the fear of losing control and letting go. If she lets go of her story, she will have to face the actual facts- that she was the actual evil she is projecting onto and accusing her counterpart.
No, males are not violent. They are defensive in their own ways. They have learned through conditioning that if they don’t stand their ground they are eaten alive. Either by tigers or seductive mermaids, the story is long.
So, if the male does not trust the feminine’s intent, it is now time for her to really dig deep and see if her people pleasing is actually there only to please her own yin.
When the feminine is surrendered, so is the masculine man.
When the female works in surrender to God, her intent is pure, her heart and mind are aligned and the innocence she projects outwards is received by the masculine guy. He wants to protect her, he was made that way by God.
He will by no means though, stand for her misinformation, manipulation or coercive dramatic stand.
She really needs to look within and find out whether her intent is selfishly egotistical or whether she is ready to give herself in.
If you resonate with this, please give us a shout out. You can yell, scream, comment or PM us.
I’d love to hear from you all!
Much love,